This page contains a list of the current HDPBC-approved projects.
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Approved active HDPBC projects
Last updated on March 25, 2025
# | Project Identifier | Project Title | Project Description |
1 |
UP001 - HEiDi (HSIAR0001692) |
Outcome Evaluation of HealthLink BC Emergency iDoctor in Assistanced Program (HEiDi) |
The HEiDi Outcome Evaluation will be designed to determine the following:
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UP006 - Potential to Reduce (HSIAR0001910) |
Potential to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Inhaler Prescription - Establishing a baseline | The project aim is to provide a baseline of the number and type of inhalers prescribed in Fraser Health, and the proportion of inhalers with different levels of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This is to understand opportunities to reduce the environmental impact from inhaler prescribing. |
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UP009 - RTVS LHS (HSIAR0001290) |
Real-time Virtual Support and Learning Health System Evaluation | The broad purpose of the RTVS-LHS project is to evaluate the funded virtual care activities with regards to fulfilling the vision, mission, and goals of the provincial rural framework. A secondary purpose is developing linkage to a broader provincial evaluation framework on virtual care. The project will use multiple provincial data sources to gauge the progress of the different metrics in the RTVS evaluation framework. |
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UP011 - LTC-QI (HSIAR0001655) |
Long Term Care Quality Improvement (LTC-QI) | The objectives of the LTC-QI are: (1) to create the conditions for change in the LTC sector in BC; (2) to create the conditions for evidence-driven improvement through engagement, sustainability, partnerships and spread and scale; and (3) to build consistency in measurement and evaluation. |
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UP012 - PC-ICCN (HSIAR0002210) |
Health Services Use Among Patients with COVID-19 (PC-ICCN, Post COVID) | To inform the development and evaluation of the Post COVID Interdisciplinary Clinical Care Network (PC-ICCN) and to more broadly assess the health system impacts of COVID and post-COVD sequalae, a clear description of the population of British Columbians who have been diagnosed with COVID and their interactions with the health system to date is needed. |
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UP013 - BCCHR CF (HSIAR0003011) |
The impact of early life serum IgG on pulmonary outcomes in children with cystic fibrosis | This project is a retrospective, quality improvement study. For 10 years, the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Clinic at BC Children's Hospital has routinely collected serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels as part of clinical care of CF patients. It is unknown whether the results of these tests are relevant or actionable. This study will help address this question and inform the best possible care for this population. Specifically, we will evaluate whether IgG levels in the past 10 years are associated with relevant pulmonary outcomes such as hospital admissions for pulmonary exacerbations, courses of antibiotics, respirology medications, and immunization status. |
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UP014 - BCIRPU (HSIAR0003333) |
BC Injury Surveillance and Reporting | To support its mandate, BCIRPU is requesting access to the health data platform to access specific datasets, to support the monitoring of trends and patterns in injury. Injury data is used to sustain the key operational components of BCIRPU, which fall within the areas of injury surveillance, data collection, synthesis and dissemination, and evaluation support; policy and decision support to Government and health authorities; direct support to health authorities to develop, implement and evaluate injury prevention interventions, strategic planning, capacity building; and increasing awareness and access to injury prevention information for the public and injury prevention stakeholders. |
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UP015 - LOUD (HSIAR0003678) |
LOUD in Primary Care | The purpose of this request is to obtain data on medication and care for people with opioid use disorder (POUD) over time to inform and assess the impact of a provincial improvement initiative - Learning about Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care (LOUD). LOUD aims to improve access, uptake, and retention in Opioid Agonist Therapy (OAT) by increasing the capacity of primary care providers. Data will be analyzed to identify gaps in OAT access and utlilization, monitor the LOUD project progress over a 15 month period and assess the impact of LOUD on OAT prescription, OUD care, and subsequent health outcomes. This HDP request is supported by an ISA between MOH and BCPSQC (22-049/HSIAR0002565) |
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UP016 - VCH Opioid Stewardship (HSIAR0003757) |
Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) Orthopaedic Trauma Opioid Stewardship Program | Physician-Led Quality Improvement (PLQI) project. We are attempting to reduce the variation and volume of opioid pain medicaton(s) prescribed to post-operative patients on the Orthopaedic Trauma service at VGH. HDP access is required in order for us to evaluate the success of the interventions in the Orthopaedic Trauma Opioid Stewardship Program. |
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UP017 - Multimorbidity Suveillance in B.C. (HSIAR0004274) |
Multimorbidity Surveillance in British Columbia | The objective of this project is to assess population impacts of chronic disease multimorbidity in BC, by evaluating the prevalence and health-related impacts of specific disease combinations and clusters. This project will lay the epidemiological knowledge foundation for enhanced chronic disease health surveillance and monitoring in BC. |
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UP018 - Mental Health MSP (HSIAR0004358) |
Mental Health MSP Data Project | The Vancouver Division of Family Practice will partner with VCH to evaluate MSP data to identify appropriate resourcing for Mental Health and access to counselling services for Vancouver PCNs (Primary Care Networks). |
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UP019 - VCH Regional Addictions (HSIAR0004518) |
Vancouver Coastal Health Regional Addictions Program: Understanding and optimizing service delivery access and treatment across the care continuum for people who use substances | The Overdose Public Health Emergency continues across the province of British Columbia, with higher rates per 100,000 in Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) compared to provincial rates. 2021 saw the highest number of deaths in British Columbia due to toxic drugs source. Access to the HDP will ensure VCH better understands how people who use substances access VCH services, and therefore allow for evidence-based decision making that is otherwise impossible due to the challenges of accessing information beyond that collected and reported within VCH. |
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UP020 - Improving perioperative care (HSIAR0004079) |
Improving perioperative care for patients undergoing pituitary surgery | The purpose of this project is the improve the perioperative care of patients undergoing pituitary surgery at Vancouver General Hospital, and align our practices with international standards of care. |
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UP021 - BC Sepsis Scan (HSIAR0004733) |
BC Sepsis Scan | The primary goal of this project is to better estimate sepsis rates across BC. Sepsis is notoriously challenging to diagnose clinically, likely contributing to low documentation in administrative data and subsequent case estimates. We will utilize different case identification approaches and examine the regional and demographic variations in estimations of case volumes and rates. |
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UP024 - Reimagining LTC (HSIAR0005545) |
Reimagining LTC: Reducing Potentially Inappropriate Usage of Antipsychotics | The purpose of this project request is to support a collaborative quality improvement initiative among long-term care facilities in British Columbia targeting the appropriate usage of antipsychotics (AUA). Data for long-term care facilities and their residents will be used to support facilities participating in the collaborative with ongoing evaluation of the rate of antipsychotic usage to help inform ongoing improvement efforts. Additionally, the data will be used to measure the overall impact of the initiative on AUA rates, antipsychotic prescribing, and changes in quality measures associated with the AUA in long-term care such as depression, falls, and behavioral outcomes. |
16 |
UP025 - ACT-AP Evaluation Framework (HSIAR0005443) |
Assertive Community Treatment: An Evaluation Framework for British Columbia (ACT-AP Evaluation) | Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) clients have severe mental health and substance use challenges. The Provincial ACT Evaluation will assess the impact of the ACT program for ACT clients and the provincial health care system. |
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UP026 - Pop Estimates (HSIAR0007568) |
Population Estimates for Administrative Health Regions in BC | Data access to BC Stats via HDP for the Population Estimates Program for the purpose of statistical modeling of health regions and aggregate publication. |
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UP027 - ESR 23-086 (HSIAR0007589) |
Development of algorithms for building an Emergency Support Registry (ESR) | The health and safety impacts of climate emergencies are not uniform across the population. Multiple factors put some people at higher risk, including social isolation, economic marginalization, older age, disabilities, burden of chronic disease, severe mental illness, and substance use disorder. All these factors can be assessed using creative combinations of administrative health data and census information. We propose to develop and compare algorithms for building an Emergency Support Registry (ESR) similar to the 26 chronic disease registries already maintained by HLTH. The ESR would allow health authorities and emergency responders to assist people at high risk during climate emergencies. |
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UP028 - Low-Carbon (HSIAR0007115) |
Low-Carbon, High-Quality Care Collaborative |
Using a spread collaborative model – the Low-Carbon, High-Quality Care Collaborative (LCHQ) Health Quality BC aims to increase the number of healthcare professionals engaged in quality improvement initiatives that contribute to:
The overall aim of the LCHQ Collaborative is spreading known clinical practices that improve care and contribute to reductions in carbon emissions. |
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UP029 - AUD IH Emerg (HSIAR0007355) |
Evaluation of Alcohol Use Disorder in Interior Health Emergency Department | The purpose of this project is to assess if pharmacotherapy prescribed for Alcohol Use Disorder as part of an Emergency Department visit is being filled by patients and that patients are continuing with treatment. Analysis of this data will help us to understand if prescribing in the emergency department is a useful way to initiate treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder and results in patients starting and continuing pharmacotherapy treatment. |
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UP030 - Sliding Sign Initiative (HSIAR0006774) |
Sliding Sign Initiative | This project is part of a physician-led quality improvement project. The overall aim of the project is to improve early diagnosis of endometriosis by introducing the sliding sign maneuver into the pelvic ultrasound protocol for patients at risk for endometriosis. |
22 |
HP001- DART (HSIAR000) |
Patient/Disease Trajectory project | The goal of this project is to gather large amounts of data from various sources and conduct complex analysis on patient history using machine-learning. |
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HDPOR001 - Cesarean Delivery (HSIAR0007988) |
The longer-term cost consequences of Cesarean delivery |
This project aims to estimate the costs to the healthcare system of cesarean deliveries performed with no clinical indication (i.e., "maternal request"), and compare them to the costs of intended vaginal deliveries. Our specific aims are:
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HDPOR002 - DRIPP Cardiac (HSIAR0008579) |
Decrease repeated investigations in the preoperative patient (DRIPP) - Cardiac Surgery | The specific problem I am trying to address revolves around preoperative investigations performed on patients coming for elective cardiac surgery. My hypothesis is that we are performing more investigations than necessary. Investigations are ordered by the General Practice Physician, Cardiac Surgeon and the Anesthesiologist without communication / coordination between them. This is a problem because patients are poked multiple times, it is of added inconvenience to patients, leads to increased greenhouse gas emissions, leads to increased medical waste and adds costs to the healthcare system. The aim of this project would be to reduce redundant investigations by 20% and decrease the amount of preoperative investigation visits to maximum 2 investigation visits prior to surgery. |
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HDPOR003 - VCH-PHC-MHA (HSIAR0007216) |
Patient population who have experienced involuntary admission and/or treatment under the MHA |
This project is a sub-project of an evaluation titled “Addressing involuntary mental health treatment at PHC and VCH hospitals from an equity-oriented perspective.” Objective: Assess what is known about the composition of the patient population currently receiving treatment under the Mental Health Act at VCH and PHC designated facilities |
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HDPOR004 - SUD Cohort (HSIAR0009112) |
Provincial Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Cohort | The primary aim of the proposed cohort is to monitor, evaluate, and support quality improvement of substance use disorder (SUD) prevention, treatment, care, and support strategies. |
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HDPOR005 - CST-SPOR (HSIAR0008907) |
CST-SPOR (VPP COD) Data Assessment | The goal of this project is to explore and assess the CST data that has been transformed under the CST-SPOR project to determine its usability and address any potential issues for suture users of the data in the HDPBC. |
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HDPOR006 - APPLAUD in PCAS (HSIAR0008813) |
Approaches and Pharmacotherapies for your Patients Living with Alcohol Use Disorder (APPLAUD) in Primary Care Action Series | Health Quality BC will be using a 4-month action series, APPLAUD in Primary Care Action Series (Approaches and Pharmacotherapies for your Patients Living with Alcohol Use Disorder), to increase the adoption of a new standard of care to help patients with alcohol use disorder (AUD) on their treatment journey which will ultimately result in benefits to the patient, families, and those supporting treatment. |
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HDPOR007 - CSP - VIHA (HSIAR0009345) |
Clinical Services Plan (CSP) - Island Health | Island Health is developing an organization-wide clinical services plan (CSP). A CSP will provide a consistent 'north star' for all clinical services by translating Island Health's vision into a clear set of prioritized, long-range activities. It will be data driven, and population focused. |
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HDPOR008 - Heart Failure (HSIAR0010318) |
Monitoring the Quality of Heart Failure Management in British Columbia (PHSA) HDPOR008 | The objective is to develop metrics, aggregated at the system level, to support monitoring the quality of heart failure management in British Columbia. |
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HDPRE001 - VIHA-PCI for Myo (HSIAR0010103) |
What extent of intervention is warranted following myocardial infarction? ("VIHA-PCI for Myo") | Through a retrospective review and analysis of the degree of intervention and patient outcomes relating to patients having received PCI for myocardial infarction, this study will investigate how the extent of PCI treatment affects patient outcomes and for MI varies across interventionalists and how patient outcomes and treatment costs vary accordingly. |
32 | HDPOR009 - PHC-BCCSU-iOAT (HSIAR0009491) | Observational Prospective Study of Tablet/Injectable Opioid Agonist Treatment (the iOAT Study) | To develop a provincial Mental Health and Addictions Strategy and Action Plan to focus on prevention and early intervention services support, as well as specific populations, including children, youth, and indigenous people. The primary aim of the proposed cohort is to monitor, evaluate and support quality improvement of substance use disorder (SUD) prevention, treatment, care and support strategies. |
33 | HDPOR010 -PHC-BCCSU-SubUs (HSIAR0010240) | Using linked survey and administrative data to evaluate the substance use system of care among people who us | To augment the other projects in the ISP by combining longitudinal behavioral and biomarker data with administrative data for the refinement of measurements and production of complementary evidence. |
Expired HDPBC projects
Last updated on March 25, 2025
# | Project Identifier | Project Title | Project Description |
1 |
UP010 - NP - PCCs (HSIAR0002431) |
Economic Evaluation of BC's NP-PCCs | British Columbia recently opened four Nurse Practitioners Primary Care Clinics. There is a large body of evidence suggesting that increased reliance on NPs has the potential to improve accessibility of primary care services while controlling expenditures. The aim of this project is to benchmark the average visit cost in a NP-PCC to the fee-for service MSC payment schedule. |
2 |
UP004 - Initiation of Suboxone in ED (HSIAR0001764) |
Initiation of Suboxone® (buprenorphine-naloxone) in Emergency Departments |
Objective: To develop and implement a coordinated regional Interior Health strategy for the identification of persons living with opioid use disorder in the emergency department, initiation of Suboxone® (buprenorphine-naloxone) in the ED, and urgent referral to community substance use supports and services. Key aims:
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UP002 - Community Partnership (HSIAR0001662) |
Community Partnership for timely Carotid Endarterectomy - QI Accelerator | The intent of this project is to understand patterns in patient presentation and health care process that are associated with surgical delay to support intervention planning and reduce delays to surgery for carotid endarterectomy. |
4 |
UP008 - AFib CSBC Pilot-BCCV (HSIAR0001656) |
Atrial Fibrillation - Cardiac Cohort | The objective of the AFib Cohort Cardiac Pilot is to provide a new BC Atrial Fibrillation (AF) Chronic Desease Registry and use the registry to conduct further analyses to gain an understanding of the healthcare needs of the AF patient population in BC. |
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UP022 - Opioid Prediction Model (HSIAR0004839) |
Opioid Addiction Prediction Model | This project aims to create new knowledge regarding Opioid Dependence. It has two phases, a consolidated report about opioid addiction rate and a prediction AI model for opioid addictions based on the initial report variables. The report will be based on a cohort of patients with first opioid prescription under pain diagnosis in British Columbia for the last 5 years. These resulting findings and variables will be used to build a machine learning model to generate an AI prediction for opioid addiction for patients with first opioid prescription and predicting the risk to 32 weeks and 3 years. In addition, there are going to be several resulting breakdown sub cohorts depending on the quality of data found such as rate of recovery vs mortality for opioid addictions and rate by type of drug and demographic characteristics. |